mqtt_gateways.dummy package

Module contents

A dummy gateway to test the installation setup, the loading of the configuration files, and the basic operation of the core application.

There are 2 modules:

  • defines the class dummyInterface;
  • which is the application launcher.


mqtt_gateways.dummy.dummy2mqtt module

Launcher script for the dummy gateway.

Use this as a template. If the name conventions have been respected, just change all occurrences of dummy into the name of your gateway.

mqtt_gateways.dummy.dummy_interface module

The dummy interface class definition. Use it as a template.

This module defines the class dummyInterface that will be instantiated by the main gateway module. Any other code needed for the interface can be placed here or in other modules, as long as the necessary imports are included of course.

class mqtt_gateways.dummy.dummy_interface.dummyInterface(params, msglist_in, msglist_out)

Bases: object

Doesn’t do anything but provides a template.

The minimum requirement for the interface class is to define 2 public methods:

  • the constructor __init__ which takes 4 arguments,
  • the loop method.
Parameters:params (dictionary of strings) – contains all the options from the configuration file This dictionary is initialised by the [INTERFACE] section in the configuration file. All the options in that section generate an entry in the dictionary. Use this to pass parameters from the configuration file to the interface, for example the name of a port, or the speed of a serial communication.

The method called periodically by the main loop.

Place here your code to interact with your system.